
Photos by Star Foreman, Devin Dygert, and Ken Sawyer
"Director Ken Sawyer, who recently helmed the delightful Lovelace: A Rock Opera at the Hayworth, scores again with this stylish production of Bram Stoker’s Dracula…Sawyer utilizes an arsenal of haunted-house special effects, including lots of rolling fog and wolf howls, but they never come across as cheesy or overdone; indeed, there are a few scary moments during this 90-minute show, relieved by well-placed humor.”-LA WEEKLY GO PICK OF THE WEEK
“In the undead zone, evil is hot. Ken Sawyer's hip, erotically charged staging spotlights the forbidden -- and reciprocal – love… Shrewdly employing breakneck, intermission-free pacing and sensational special effects …the production builds palpable sexual tension between predator and prey….Desma Murphy's fabric-swathed Goth set and Sawyer's high-amplitude sound design help deliver all the atmosphere and chills you could ask from a Dracula production.”-LA TIMES
“…this one can be counted on for plenty of shocks, chills, and thrills. Sawyer gives it a stylish staging-a necessity for a play that depends on its imagery.”-BACKSTAGE WEST CRITIC’S CHOICE
“Among director Ken Sawyer’s lengthy list of fine accomplishments is the British thriller The Woman in Black, an award winning production that enjoyed a long run at the Road Theatre in 2002-2003, followed by an encore engagement at the Coronet Theatre. Sawyer is a master at creating sizzling atmospherics, and in the chilling The Woman in Black he had a field day. Thus there couldn’t be a more simpatico theatrical project for this craftsman’s sensibilities and talents than a revisit to Bram Stoker’s classic tale of the bloodsucking count. The nerve-shattering results boast a stylish cinematic flair. Sawyer is once again working with crackerjack designers, whose efforts beautifully compliment his long-proven expertise with sound effects. Sawyer’s terrific soundtrack is highlighted by booming thunder and blasting organ music…This Dracula truly sucks, and if you think that is meant disparingly, you might want to check for bats in your belfry.”-FRONTIERS IN LA MAGAZINE
“…directed meticulously by Ken Sawyer, the space and set - a principal character here - enrich the visual experience. Sawyer’s imaginative staging, making use of every crook and cranny of the large space, is fascinating, as are the prolonged silent pauses that he allows in the action. The actors move in silence, and then, as if from nowhere there are instantaneous, terrifying moments like the sudden appearance of an undead child surrounded by a burst of burning light in a hall window…This entire production is a treat – one of the best Draculas I’ve seen - due mainly to the splendid creative team led by Ken Sawyer’s artful vision”-DON GRIGWARE CRITIC’S PICK
“The production is directed by Ken Sawyer, who did so well with Woman in Black a few seasons back. He gives the story the respect it deserves (it has been around quite a while now) and has put together a classy show.”-STAGEHAPPENINGS.COM
“Though he never appears on stage during the play’s 90-minute running time, the real star of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, currently wowing North Hollywood audiences, is the man who conceived and directed the supernaturally screamalicious production. In lesser hands, Hamilton Dean and John L. Balderston’s stage play might be a campy, creaky mess. Instead, it is an entirely thrilling evening of theater.”-STAGESCENE LA
“Frisky, inventive director Ken Sawyer, whose credits range from the spooky Woman in Black to the erotic Lovelace, combines these influences to produce a sexy scary rendition…(it) has the pace and suspense of a first-rate horror movie. At a sleek 90 minutes, this 21st century incarnation of Dracula revives all the charm that has made him a perennial symbol of our repressed erotic dreams and the impetus for an age-long battle between conventional good and scintillating evil.”-CURTAIN UP.COM
“Many of us know the story of Dracula and perhaps a few of us have seen a version of Bram Stroker’s original story, but it was nothing like this magnificent stage play…
The special effects – bat sounds, wolf sounds, fog and thunder and lightning kept the audience glued. I even jumped a few times when the spooky voices came from the audience.On a scale of 1-10, I would give it a 10. Go see it. “-SPLASH MAGAZINE
“Sometimes you can sense you are about to see an exceptional play the moment the lights go down…the audience is instantly drawn into this seductive dramatization….the sound design is nothing short of magnificent.”-EXAMINER.COM
“Directed breathtakingly by the always innovative Ken Sawyer, (who also designed the frightening sound), this is a macabre must-see for all theatre lovers…flawless in all aspects of theatrical excellence. (I’m told they were sold-out for two weeks in advance of the opening night… and deservedly so!) A classic new scintillating version of Stoker’s legendary tale that mesmerizes the audience from start to finish… book your seats today! You won’t be disappointed… and I can almost guarantee that you’ll come out of it alive!”-TOLUCAN TIMES